(This blog was published on 4/19/2010 on http://www.proverbs31.org/, a daily devotion sponsored by Proverbs 31 Minitries.)
I am so thankful to Melanie for sharing about hormones on your devotion blog. Hormones are very powerful substances. They have actions in every single cell of our body, not just our reproductive system. Hormones absolutely do affect our physical health, weight, skin quality, bone health, brain function, quality of sleep and most definitely our mood and emotions. God created these potent chemicals called hormones for our good, to give us energy, vitality and the power to walk in divine health. But He intended that we have balanced hormones.
We all know that hormonal changes occur during various phases of our lives and that is normal. However, God did not create PMS or plan for peri-menopause or menopause to be turbulent. We do live in a fallen world and there are many factors that can lead to hormone imbalance and its accompanying symptoms. Stress, nutrition, genetic factors, thyroid problems, blood sugar imbalances and certain medications can all trigger imbalances in our hormones.
Hormone imbalance even affects mighty women of faith and power.
I have to say that hormonal imbalance directly impacts Christian women on a spiritual level. Too many times, I have sat across the desk from a sister-in-the-Lord and heard her agonize over the way her monthly pre-menstrual moods are impacting their children or listened as they beat themselves up for feeling depressed. They assume that they are just not reading the Bible enough, praying enough or walking in the fruit of the Spirit. Sometimes, these emotional flare ups are simply due to hormones. Trust me; hormone levels do affect our relationships with each other and with God. He created our bodies and He intended that certain biochemical hormone processes take place in order to walk in health.
I saw first hand the impact of hormones on Christian women globally last year at the “She Speaks” Conference. It is so evident that God is launching women into their ministries and callings like never before. I believe that God confirmed to me that His women need to feel good to fulfill their destinies. We as Christian women do put our faith and trust in God. However, we do live in this physical world and have a physical body governed by God ordained metabolic processes. We need our energy levels to be good, our sleep to be refreshing and our moods stable to accomplish His purposes. Of course there are many aspects of physical health, but sadly most women do not even realize that issues they face could in fact, be related to hormone problems. My calling is to make sure that God’s precious daughters know about the symptoms of hormone deficiencies or excessive levels of hormones and how to correct them so that God can launch them into their purposes.
Is it you or your hormones? (Signs or Symptoms related to hormone imbalance)
So how do you know if you are experiencing symptoms due to a lack of balanced hormones? First let me point out that hormonal imbalance can occur at any age, from young teens to post-menopausal or elderly women. Symptoms can range from reproductive/gynecological problems, physical health problems and yes, emotional or mood challenges. I should know. I got into this field 18 years ago due to my own severe case of PMS. In Christian terms, that means Pretty Mean Sister. God took my “mess” and turned it into my “message” of His hope and being hormonally healthy.
Here is a check list to help you determine if you should have your hormones evaluated:
Physical Symptoms:
Weight Gain
Hot Flashes
Night Sweats
Hair loss
Bone Loss
Low body temp
Foggy thinking
Heart Palpations
Dry Skin/ Hair
Elevated Cholesterol
Elevated Triglycerides
Thinning Skin
Acne/Oily Skin
Facial Hair
Reproductive Symptoms:
Breast Pain
Breast Cysts
Heavy Cycles
Irregular Cycles
Vaginal Dryness
Breast Cancer
Yeast Infections
Urinary Tract Infections
Water Retention
Thinning Pubic Hair
Ovarian Cysts
Emotional Symptoms:
Stressed Easily
Low Sex Drive
Mood Swings
Over Reacting
Easily Alarmed
Mood swings
Food Cravings
We can gain victory and overcome hormone challenges.
The first place to start is to get wisdom and truth. This involves education and in many cases testing. There are very specialized tests that can definitively determine hormone levels. Hormones do not have to be confusing nor should we be afraid of hormones. God made them to bless us.
Secondly, get help. Do not just put up with hormone imbalance and live a life less than you deserve. There are well-trained experts in the field of hormone balance and quality science based educational resources for women. You may need to restore deficient levels of hormones with natural, bio-identical hormones. These hormones are the same hormones that God created and our bodies produce. They are exactly the same. Not that we need to prove that the hormones God created are effective and safe but of course the medical community operates from scientific research. There is a large body of published medical studies on bio-identical hormones. In fact, 1/3 of my book is just that, a bibliography of the studies on bio-identical hormones. (Synthetic hormones, such as in Hormone Replacement Therapy, HRT, or in birth control pills have been clearly proven to cause side effects. We should not be surprised. How can we improve on the hormones that God created?) You may also need to take certain supplements that help address stress hormone imbalance or to help balance blood sugar. Many women do need some form of thyroid treatment. Regardless of whatever type hormone imbalance or symptoms you may have, you do not have to live with hormone problems! There is hope and there is help.
In Christ,
Donna White
BHRT Clinical Educator, Signature Wellness
Author, “The Hormone Makeover- 7 Steps to Transform Your Life with Bioidentical Hormones”
This is so well done, Donna. You give such a clear picture of how our physical hormone levels can impact all aspects of our lives. Thanks for sharing your passion in such a practical way.
ReplyDelete~ Julie@Comehaveapeace.blogspot.com